For the safety & comfort of our players, several outing modifications have been put in place: 

  • In lieu of a shotgun start, teams will be assigned staggered start times to ensure better social spacing between players.
  • Players are asked to arrive no earlier than one hour prior to your designated start time. Please check-in at the assigned (Blue or White) registration table at the pavilion to pick up mulligans, raffle tickets, player bags, refreshments and golf cart. The putting green and driving range will be available to you up until 15 minutes prior to your start time.
  • Two players will be assigned to each cart, unless otherwise requested. If you would prefer to have an individual cart, please contact Bre Schroth at least 24 hours prior to the outing at or 757-747-1673.
  • Anyone who should be self-isolating or feels unwell must not attend the outing. Last minute and day-of player substitutions will be honored. If you are unable to find a substitute, CBA greatly appreciates the opportunity to apply your registration fee to the school as a tax deductible charitable donation. If a refund is requested, please submit in writing 24 hours prior to the outing to
  • Social distancing and safety guidelines in place on the time of the outing must be applied by all players, staff, and volunteers. Please use caution and safety when interacting with individuals who are not part of your foursome.
  • Own clubs to be used. If you require a rental set, please call the Bayville Golf Club pro shop at least 24 hours prior to the outing so a set can be sanitized and available for you.
  • Games and special offerings at the holes as usual; following safety guidelines in place at time of event.
  • Lunch will be served in boxed format. Beverage carts will run continuously throughout the day offering snacks and beverages. Players are asked not to reach into the beverage coolers. The beverage cart attendant will be happy to do this for you!

  • There will be no large gathering at the end of play. As teams finish play, scores are to be turned in and players will collect raffle prizes before leaving the course. Winners will be announced via email and website; players may come back to Bayville another day to collect prizes. 

Thank you for joining in support of Chesapeake Bay Academy for a Day of Play! We look forward to seeing you on August 4th at Bayville Golf Club!


CBA Golf Classic, October 13, 2020

Tee Times Available 8AM - 10:30AM (3 teams every 30 minutes)

Light refreshments served at check-in

Boxed Lunch served 12pm - 1pm



Titanium - Make a Difference Sponsor

Titanium - Future Scholars Sponsors 

The Rashkind Family Foundation

Eagle Sponsor

Stanley F. Baldwin & Dolly Mannix Baldwin


The Trinder Family

Beverage Cart Sponsor


Hole Sponsor



The Glenum Family


Dr. Judy Jankowski


 Drs. Dave and Beth Levin

Pat and Martha Thrasher


Raffle Sponsors